Utah law generally gives everyone arrested or charged with a crime the right to be released on bail while awaiting trial, and the U.S. Constitution prohibits unreasonable bail. To ensure your right to a reasonable bail, you may need to request an emergency bond hearing with a Utah Emergency bond hearings lawyer.
If a court or magistrate refuses to allow you to bond out, or sets an unreasonably high bail, an experienced attorney can help you request an emergency bond hearing to correct the situation. In order to get in touch with an Emergency bond hearing attorney in Salt Lake City, UT, call the office of Levitt Legal, PLLC at (801) 455-1743 right away!
Salt Lake City Emergency Bond Hearing Lawyer
Levitt Legal, PLLC can help you file and negotiate a successful emergency bond hearing in Northern Utah. Salt Lake City emergency bond hearing attorney Darren Levitt is experienced and knowledgeable in all areas of Utah criminal procedure, including these types of bond hearings.
Contact our firm today at (801) 455-1743 for a free consultation about an emergency bond hearing for your situation today. Our Utah Emergency bond hearings lawyer will be ready to help you bail out.
Utah Emergency Bond Hearing Overview
- Who Is Not Entitled To One Of These Hearings?
- How High Can A Bail Amount Be Set?
- What Are The Different Types Of Bond In Utah?

Levitt Legal, PLLC | Salt Lake City Drug Charge Defense Attorney
Contact Levitt Legal today for a consultation about your drug charge in Salt Lake City, Utah with a drug crimes lawyer. It is important to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to hear the facts of your particular case, and help you find any possible defenses or exceptions to the charges against you. Contact Darren Levitt of Levitt Legal at (801) 455-1743 for a consultation about your drug offense in Salt Lake County and the surrounding counties, including Box Elder, Toole, Utah, Cache, Weber, Summit, Davis and Wasatch Counties in Utah. Attorney Darren Levitt is a renowned Salt Lake City, UT drug crime Attorney.
Criminal Defense
- Assault And Battery Charges
- DUI Defense Attorney In Salt Lake City, Utah
- Gun / Firearm / Weapons Charges
- Juvenile Offenses
- Asset Seizure / Asset Forfeiture
- Sex Crimes
- Federal Defense
- Conspiracy
- Out Of State Offenders
- Marijuana Charges
- Domestic Violence
- Expunge Criminal Record
- Extradition To Utah
- Violent Crimes
- Early Termination Of Probation
- Felony 402 Reduction
- Traffic Crimes
- First Time Offenders
- Drug Crimes
- Theft Crimes
- Arrest Warrants / Bench Warrants
- Property Crimes
- White Collar Crimes
- Violation Of Probation (VOP)
- Emergency Bond Hearings
(801) 455-1743