Expunge Your Utah Criminal Record
Your criminal history may be holding you back from pursuing certain educational opportunities or from applying for certain jobs. Or you may simply not want others to know you have been convicted of a criminal act and have a criminal record. No matter the reason, you may want to have your criminal record expunged. In order to do that, you will have to get in touch with a Salt Lake City, UT Expungement attorney. You can do that by calling the office of Levitt Legal, PLLC for a Consultation. Our Criminal record expungement attorney in Salt Lake City, UT will review your case in detail before coming up with a defense strategy.
General Information:
- What Does It Mean To Have A Criminal Record Expunged?
- Can You Walk Me Through The Process Of Having A Record Expunged?
Expunging your criminal record will give you the chance to start over and seek opportunities you may have missed out on. However, the process to expunge a criminal record has many requirements that must be followed specifically. Additionally, you may be required to have a hearing if the prosecution or victim object to the expungement. It will be highly beneficial to hire someone who has knowledge on the criminal record expungement process, particularly a Utah Expungement lawyer.
Salt Lake City Criminal Record Expungement Attorney
Darren Levitt of Levitt Legal can help you find out if you’re eligible to expunge your criminal record in Salt Lake City, Utah, and will advise you through the expungement process, including a hearing, if necessary. He has been practicing as a Salt Lake City, UT criminal record expungement attorney for many years. He is a qualified Utah Expungement lawyer. Darren Levitt is experienced with Salt Lake City’s judicial system, and is knowledgeable about Utah’s criminal record expungement laws. Call the law office of Levitt Legal at (801) 455-1743 for a consultation today and discuss your case with a Salt Lake City, UT Expungement attorney.
Salt Lake City Expunge Information Center
- What Is Expungement In Utah
- Procedure To Expunge A Record In Utah
- Eligibility To Expunge In Utah
- Benefits Of Expunging Your Record
- Resources In Salt Lake City For Expunging
It’s extremely frustrating to get rejected for an employment or from any educational institution because of a criminal record. Our criminal record expungement attorney in Salt Lake City, UT understands that mistakes can happen and everyone deserves a second chance. If you are someone who is facing difficulties due to a criminal record, you can contact our experienced Salt Lake City, UT criminal record expungement attorney. We know how to help our clients get their rights so they can enjoy the opportunities everyone else is benefitting from.
Our highly skilled criminal record expungement attorney in Salt Lake City, UT has helped many people get their life back on track. People who have completed their probation deserve a second chance, and an expungement provides that second chance to such people. We understand that the whole process of expungement can be really difficult and tiring but our extremely talented criminal record expungement attorney in Salt Lake City, UT is an expert in setting aside your criminal records and making it impossible for general public to get any access to it.
You need an attorney who has real life experience in handling such cases and our Salt Lake City, UT criminal record expungement attorney is an expert in getting clients the relief they want. Don’t waste your money and time, do it right the first time. Call our well-versed criminal record expungement attorney in Salt Lake City, UT for the best possible outcomes and a brighter future.
We are having a reputation for providing one of the best Salt Lake City, UT criminal record expungement attorneys who ensure your case is expunged completely. Having a competent expungement attorney by your side can make the whole process simpler and complete faster. You can contact our qualified expungement attorney for a confidential consultation. We provide our clients a personalized advice and a non-judgmental environment.

Levitt Legal, PLLC | Salt Lake City Drug Charge Defense Attorney
Contact Levitt Legal today for a consultation about your drug charge in Salt Lake City, Utah with a drug crimes lawyer. It is important to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to hear the facts of your particular case, and help you find any possible defenses or exceptions to the charges against you. Contact Darren Levitt of Levitt Legal at (801) 455-1743 for a consultation about your drug offense in Salt Lake County and the surrounding counties, including Box Elder, Toole, Utah, Cache, Weber, Summit, Davis and Wasatch Counties in Utah. Attorney Darren Levitt is a renowned Salt Lake City, UT drug crime Attorney.
Criminal Defense
- Assault And Battery Charges
- DUI Defense Attorney In Salt Lake City, Utah
- Gun / Firearm / Weapons Charges
- Juvenile Offenses
- Asset Seizure / Asset Forfeiture
- Sex Crimes
- Federal Defense
- Conspiracy
- Out Of State Offenders
- Marijuana Charges
- Domestic Violence
- Expunge Criminal Record
- Extradition To Utah
- Violent Crimes
- Early Termination Of Probation
- Felony 402 Reduction
- Traffic Crimes
- First Time Offenders
- Drug Crimes
- Theft Crimes
- Arrest Warrants / Bench Warrants
- Property Crimes
- White Collar Crimes
- Violation Of Probation (VOP)
- Emergency Bond Hearings
(801) 455-1743