• (801) 455-1743

Defenses For Asset Forfeiture

Levitt Legal, PLLC will be actively involved in your case, and if the prosecution misses a key deadline, we will immediately file for a dismissal and return of your property.

Attorney Darren Levitt will suppress any evidence gained in violation of your rights, which can seriously weaken the prosecution’s case. Probable cause will be raised in every claim of the government to weaken links between your property and illegal activity. Through investigation, we will demonstrate to the jury that your property was obtained through legitimate means.

Innocent owners are those landlords or property owners who had no knowledge of their property being used to conduct a crime. Property seizure will be enforced if the prosecution can prove that you have done any of the following:

  1. are criminally responsible for the conduct giving rise to the forfeiture;
  2. knew of the conduct giving rise to the forfeiture, and allowed the property to be used in furtherance of the conduct;
  3. acquired the property with notice of its actual or constructive seizure for forfeiture under this chapter;
  4. acquired the property knowing the property was subject to forfeiture under this chapter; or
  5. acquired the property in an effort to conceal, prevent, hinder, or delay its lawful seizure or forfeiture under any provision of state law.
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