• (801) 455-1743

Types Of Violation Of Probation Allegations

Types of Violation of Probation Allegations in Salt Lake City and Utah

When you are placed on probation you are given certain special conditions that you must complete, which may include periodic reporting to a probation officer or community service. You are also instructed on certain standard conditions that apply to most probationers, including the basic rule: “do not commit any misdemeanor or felony criminal acts while you are on probation.”

Common allegations for violation of probation involve the following types of violations:

  • Committing a new misdemeanor or felony offense while on probation;
  • Testing dirty on a urine test which indicates the probation used a controlled substance such as marijuana, cocaine, or narcotics;
  • Failing to complete community service hours;
  • Failing to successfully complete drug counseling or other classes;
  • Absconding or leaving the jurisdiction without the probation officer’s permission;
  • Failing to report to monthly meetings to see the probation officer; or
  • Failing to pay restitution, court costs, or fines.
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