Probation Violations in Utah
Probation in Utah can be given as a form of sentencing for individuals who have committed certain misdemeanor or felony offenses. The period of probation can range from 12 to 36 months, depending on the severity of the offense committed. During this time period, the probationer must abide by certain rules and restrictions, including regular reporting to a probation officer or random drug testing.
Violation of probation can lead to serious consequences including being convicted of the underlying offense, or being sentenced to jail or prison time. Defenses to violation of probation often center around whether the violation was willful and substantial. If you are seeking termination of your probation in Salt Lake City, Utah contact the Violation of Probation Attorney in Salt Lake City, UT.
If you believe that your probation officer will alleged that you violated your probation, then call the office of Levitt Legal, PLLC in Salt Lake City, UT, today to discuss your legal options with an experienced criminal defense attorney. In certain cases, a felony violation of probation warrant can lead to extradition to Utah if it is alleged that the person is a fugitive from justice. Therefore, it is advised to contact a Salt Lake City, UT Probation violation lawyer or attorney right away.
Salt Lake City Violation of Probation Attorney
Darren Levitt defends individuals who have been charged with felony or misdemeanor violation of probation in Salt Lake County, Box Elder County, Weber County, Cache County, and the surrounding communities. Call (801) 455-1743 to begin exploring your options during a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your violation of probation case in or around Salt Lake City, Utah with an experienced Probation violation lawyer.
Utah Violation Of Probation Information Center
- Types Of Violation Of Probation Allegations
- Due Process In A Utah VOP Proceedings
- Utah Violation Of Probation Hearing
- Trial Court Has Wide Discretion In A Violation Of Probation Case
- Misdemeanor Violation Of Probation Cases
- Felony Violation Of Probation Cases
- Motion For Sentence Reduction
- Utah’s Statutory Scheme For Violation Of Probation Cases
- Utah Violation Of Probation Resources

Levitt Legal, PLLC | Salt Lake City Drug Charge Defense Attorney
Contact Levitt Legal today for a consultation about your drug charge in Salt Lake City, Utah with a drug crimes lawyer. It is important to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to hear the facts of your particular case, and help you find any possible defenses or exceptions to the charges against you. Contact Darren Levitt of Levitt Legal at (801) 455-1743 for a consultation about your drug offense in Salt Lake County and the surrounding counties, including Box Elder, Toole, Utah, Cache, Weber, Summit, Davis and Wasatch Counties in Utah. Attorney Darren Levitt is a renowned Salt Lake City, UT drug crime Attorney.
Criminal Defense
- Assault And Battery Charges
- DUI Defense Attorney In Salt Lake City, Utah
- Gun / Firearm / Weapons Charges
- Juvenile Offenses
- Asset Seizure / Asset Forfeiture
- Sex Crimes
- Federal Defense
- Conspiracy
- Out Of State Offenders
- Marijuana Charges
- Domestic Violence
- Expunge Criminal Record
- Extradition To Utah
- Violent Crimes
- Early Termination Of Probation
- Felony 402 Reduction
- Traffic Crimes
- First Time Offenders
- Drug Crimes
- Theft Crimes
- Arrest Warrants / Bench Warrants
- Property Crimes
- White Collar Crimes
- Violation Of Probation (VOP)
- Emergency Bond Hearings
(801) 455-1743